Pop macht Schule final concert
28. April 2023
In spring 2023, the Pop Academy Baden-Württemberg visited several schools in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region with the project "Pop macht Schule". On Friday May 05th 2023, the students will present their results at the final concert at the BASF Feierabendhaus. The evening is the joint final concert of six schools from the Popakademie's last "Pop macht Schule" tour. Special guest is Gregor Hägele. The main sponsor of the educational project is BASF SE.
Forming bands, managing bands, learning instruments and writing song lyrics - for two whole days in the spring of 2023, pop music was on the curriculum of six selected schools in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. The aim of the project, which was initiated together with BASF SE, is to sharpen young people's senses for the creative use of pop music at an early age. Making music together also promotes the social skills of the participants.At the big final concert on May 5th 2023 at BASF's Feierabendhaus, all participating students will experience what it feels like to breathe stage air in front of a large audience. Gregor Hägele will perform as musical guest alongside bands from the Pop Academy students. Gregor Hägele convinces his audience from the very first second with his strong, unique and emotional voice. At the first upload of a snippet of his single "Paracetamol" it went viral and counted already after 3 days more than 600.000 views on TikTok. His single "Ana" also trended and reached #1 in recommended sounds on TikTok. He was a candidate on "The Voice Of Germany", made it to the semi-finals and went on a big tour after the season. Afterwards, the native Swabian was a participant in the preliminary round for the German contribution to the "Eurovision Song Contest" 2019. In January, Gregor played his first own, completely sold-out tour.The project "Pop macht Schule" (formerly "School of Rock") was awarded the Baden-Württemberg State Teaching Prize in 2009. In 2010, the "School of Rock" was honored as a Landmark in the "Land of Ideas". The main sponsor BASF SE received the AKS Award from the Working Group for Cultural Sponsorship for its support. Due to its integrative effect, the project was included in the German government's integration plan. Main sponsor: 
BASF Feierabendhaus
Start: 6 p.m. | Admission free (admission from 5.15 p.m.) Registration required.
Registration at: https://www.popakademie.de/de/events/pop-macht-schule-konzert/