Student honored with sustainability award
The sustainability award recognizes innovative work and projects by students. As one of the model cities for the EU mission, the aim is to become climate-neutral by 2030. Students are crucial to the future sustainability of the city and region.
Anna Schocke, a student at the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg, researched the travel behavior of concert-goers in her student research project “Sustainable music tourism - an empirical survey analysis among concert-goers on travel and sustainability” in collaboration with the local venue Alte Feuerwache. By gaining a better understanding of the needs and possibilities of the audience, it was possible to discuss communicative and mobility-related measures with a focus on increased use of public transport and carpooling. Based on the seminar paper, a more extensive master's thesis is currently being written, which will result in a guideline for communicative measures for cultural venues.