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Something beautiful with substance

27. November 2019

Article by Arnilukka Zorner (FSJ Culture)

FIBEL - short, crisp and above all memorable! The latter is not only the name, but also the music of the four-piece band. Jonas (vocals), Lukas (bass), Dennis (guitar) and Noah (drums) got to know each other at the Popakademie in Mannheim and since then convince with their German and very allegorical lyrics. They all come from the confusion of Jonas' thoughts. "My goal is to express myself as much as everything runs through my head. I want to capture exactly what is happening in my head."

However, they are currently moving away from their previous music style, which can be described as Punk, Wave and Neue Deutsche Welle. They are experiencing a turnaround. "The references to the 80s remain, because it's just a part of us," says Jonas, "but all in all, everything is becoming less hard, more melodic and is moving towards indie.
One thing is for sure: The music does something to us listeners! Whether it touches people, makes them happy or stirs them up, the FIBEL guys don't care as long as the emotions are strong. They want the audience to go home changed in some way at the end and think "that was just unreal!"

Only recently FIBEL finished their "Kommissar-Tour", where they travelled all over Germany. 20 gigs in 20 different cities took a lot of energy and overwhelmed the guys quite a bit. But when they think back to that time, the most important thing is the nice feeling to play their own songs in front of so many people. Also the memory of the days with the whole crew stayed in their minds. From this the band always draws new strength and creates "something beautiful with substance", as it is so appropriately called in one of their songs "Substanz". Just listen in and let FIBEL convince you.

If you don't want to miss the four guys, you can experience them live and get information under the following links:
