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Kateryna Mishckenko © WDR

Mannheim reads a book

23. November 2023

On February 24, 2022, the whole world turned its attention to one country: Ukraine. Since then, the country has been under massive rocket fire from the Russian army, and people are losing their homes and their lives on the ground every day. The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine had one main goal: to stop the country on its way to Europe. Putin has probably achieved the opposite. The European Union has cleared the way for accession negotiations. And NATO membership is no longer ruled out for the time after the war.

In a discussion with Dmitrij Kapitelman, the German-Ukrainian journalist and author of the novel "A Formality in Kiev", Kateryna Mishchenko, author and editor of the volume "Out of the Fog of War - The Present of Ukraine", who had to flee her Ukrainian homeland in February 2022, and the editor-in-chief of the magazine OSTEUROPA, Dr. phil. Manfred Sapper, we take a final look at a country that has long received little attention in Germany and about which we still know very little. In doing so, we will ask how European Ukraine's present is and what prospects there are for its future.
The musical framework for the evening will be provided by students from the Mannheim Pop Academy, who - inspired by the novel "A Formality in Kiev" by Dmitrij Kapitelmann - will perform their compositions for the first time at the Altes Kino Franklin.

Tickets for this event can be purchased on the homepage of the Nationaltheater Mannheim.
