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Home / Home / Academics / M.A. Music and Creative Industries / Admission

Who will be admitted?

The consecutive master’s degree programme Music and Creative Industries is built on the bachelor’s degree programme Music Business also offered at the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg. In addition to a bachelor’s degree (B.A., B.Sc.) in a relevant field, an applicant’s practical experience plays a decisive role in their admission to the programme.

Central to the application process

Two proofs of qualification are required for admission to the selection process:
  • Professional alignment
  • Practical experience
Professional Direction
In order to be considered for admission, you must have a university degree in one of the following subjects:
  • Music Business of Pop Music Design Popakademie Baden-Württemberg
  • Economics
  • Cultural Studies
  • Social Sciences
  • Music/Musicology
  • Media and Communication Sciences
A focus on business or management during your bachelor’s degree programme is gladly seen.

Practical experience in the fields of music, cultural or creative industries
In addition, relevant practical experience in the fields of music, cultural or creative ministries is required.

This proof can be provided in the following form:
  • Completed vocational training
  • Internships of at least six months
  • Voluntary work of at least six months

The pre-selection will be made on the basis of the following application documents to be submitted with the application for admission to the programme.
  • Final grade from bachelor’s degree programme
  • Professional qualification through your bachelor’s degree
  • Practical experience in and knowledge of the areas of music, culture and/or creative industries
  • Voluntary and social commitment outside of studies
  • Letter of motivation

Personal selection interview
Interviews will be held with the invited applicants on the basis of an interview guideline. The following criteria are rated:
  • Knowledge of the music, cultural and creative industries
  • English skills
  • Goal orientation
  • Motivation
  • Communication, appearance and personality