Press releases
Popakademie hosts first German HipHop Symposium
19. November 2018
HipHop is the most influential youth culture in the world. In order to advance the scientific discourse on the development of HipHop in Germany, the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg will gather leading scientists and scene personalities such as Jan Delay, Megaloh and Samy Deluxe in Mannheim on 30 November and 1 December 2018.
As part of the conference format Zukunft Pop, the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg is organising the first German HipHop Symposium curated by Frederik "Torch" Hahn. Cooperation partners are the Federal Agency for Civic Education, the State Institute for Communication Baden-Württemberg and the Institute for German Language.
The public symposium brings together important actors from the scene with interdisciplinary scientists such as Prof. Dr. Jannis Androutsopoulos (linguistics), Dr. Marc Dietrich (sociology) and Dr. Christoph Mager (human geography) in discussions, lectures and interviews to analyze the development of HipHop in Germany. One focus of the consideration is the Rhine-Neckar region, which is groundbreaking for hip hop in Germany.In addition to discussions in the Jungbuschhalle and Popakademie, there will be an extensive supporting programme:- Opening of the symposium on 30.11. with exclusive screenings of the hip hop films "Breakout - The Dance from the Ghetto" (1982) and "Stations of the Elevated" (1981) at the Odeon cinema in Mannheim
- Live graffiti by the Mannheim artist Gonzalo Maldonado Morales in the courtyard of the Zeitraumexit
- Vernissage of graffiti artist HOMBRE and the Mannheim street art project STADT.WAND.KUNST in the Pop Academy (4th floor)
- Beatbox, DJ and sampling workshops at the Pop Academy
- Live music in the short bar with Toni-L, DJs and special guests from 10 pm
Torch | Jan Delay | Megaloh | Samy Deluxe | Rolf Stahlhofen | Eva Ries (Managing director RZA Productions Europe) | Prof. Dr. Jannis Androutsopoulos | Dr. Marc Dietrich | Falk Schacht | Miriam Davoudvandi | Rick Riojas | Felix Felixine | Lena Grehl | Andreas Margara | Dr. Christoph Mager | Murat Güngör & Hannes Loh | Ghanaian Stallion | Dr. Danyal Bayaz MdB and many more