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Jule Gilde at WIPC for World Refugee Day 2022 © Sebastian Weindel

Popakademie Concert for World Refugee Day

09. June 2023

On Wednesday, June 14th 2023, the Work in Progress Club will take place at the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg starting at 8 pm. The event takes place in cooperation with and in favor of UN Refugee Aid, in view of the solidarity campaign for refugees in Germany and worldwide on the occasion of World Refugee Day on June 20th. The Popakademie stands #WithRefugees!

"In its attitude to diversity and in its understanding of difference, the Pop Academy is an institution of tolerance and freedom for all those who study, lecture or work at its premises. Open dialogue, as well as mutual appreciation, is a high priority. Also this year we dedicate the Work in Progress Club to World Refugee Day and show solidarity with all those who oppose racism," explains Prof. Udo Dahmen, Artistic Director and Managing Director of Popakademie Baden-Württemberg.

"This year, the Popakademie is once again sending an important signal of solidarity with refugees. We are very excited to welcome committed young artists and their music. Together we stand #withrefugees.", says Peter Ruhenstroth-Bauer, National Director of UN Refugee Assistance.

The concert, featuring students from the Popakademie's artistic department, will be live and streamed in parallel, with performances by Hummingbird Flight, Jupyter, Clara John, Loen, Niklas Schregel, EMP Ensemble. The concert will raise awareness for the work of UN Refugee Assistance.

About the UN Refugee Agency
UN Refugee Agency is the German partner of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). It mobilizes civil society, supports UNHCR's global, life-saving missions and projects for refugees in Germany.

June 20th is World Refugee Day.
More than 100 million people are currently on the run. Never before have so many people been forced to flee as today. Therefore, again in 2023, on June 20th, the special strength, courage and resilience that refugees, internally displaced persons and stateless people bring up every day will be honored.

The Work In Progress Club will be streamed in parallel via the Popakademie's YouTube channel.

More about the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg: www.popakademie.de
More about the UN Refugee Agency's World Refugee Day at: www.withrefugees.de

Work in Progress Club June 14th 2023
Admission from 8 pm, free entry
With Hummingbird Flight, Jupyter, Clara John, Loen, Niklas Schregel, EMP Ensemble