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© Sebastian Weindel

Panel discussion "The job description of a musician in the age of AI"

05. July 2024

AI is already influencing all areas of social life. The cultural sector, and the music industry in particular, are also affected. According to the GEMA/SACEM study on this topic published on 30.01.2024, 71% of German and French music professionals have concerns about AI and the future of their professions. On the other hand, 35% of respondents already use AI tools for their work - in the under-35 age group, the figure is as high as 51% ( Source: Study "AI AND MUSIC. Market Development of AI in the music sector and impact on music authors and creators in Germany and France. A Report commissioned by Sacem and Gema. Conducted by Goldmedia, PowerPoint presentation (gema.de), p.8-9).

What changes the job description of "musician" is undergoing, what opportunities and risks this change entails, what framework conditions need to be created so that AI can be used in a way that is appropriate for its origin and how musicians can use AI positively will be discussed at the panel discussion on 24.07.2024 as part of the International Summer Camp x Mannheim Music Days 2024 under the direction of the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg in cooperation with the Mannheim Cultural Office. Following the panel discussion, there will be an opportunity to take questions from the audience. The music scene, citizens and all interested parties in the city of Mannheim are cordially invited to be guests at this panel discussion:
Wednesday, 24.07.2024 at 7 pm, Room 001 at the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg

The following panel guests will offer different insights and perspectives into and on this extensive and highly topical subject:
- Ella Rohwer - (Managing Director of PRO MUSIK Verband freier Musikschaffender e.V.)
- Micki Meuser - (Chairman of DEFKOM (Deutsche Filmkomponist:innen Union), member of the GEMA supervisory board)
- Derek von Krogh (Artistic Director and Managing Director of the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg)
- Michelle Leonard - (artist, composer and songwriter, lecturer for songwriting at the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg, deputy member of the GEMA supervisory board)
- Prof. Dr. Ralf Kitzberger - (LLM. Lawyer for copyright and media law, partner of the law firm Schickhardt Rechtsanwälte)
- Moderator: Larissa Bode (contact person for music, Mannheim Cultural Office)

Contact person, Cultural Office:
Larissa Bode | Contact person for music | Cultural Office | E 4, 6 | 68159 Mannheim | (0621) 293 - 3791 | larissa.bode@mannheim.de

Press contact City of Mannheim:
Carolin Bison | Media Team | Department II for Economic Affairs, Labor, Social Affairs and Culture |
carolin.bison@mannheim.de | (0621) 293 - 2914