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Start of applications for the Popakademie support programme "Pop macht Schu

22. April 2021

School classes from the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region can apply for "Pop macht Schule" until 21 May 2021. For two days, lecturers and students from the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg visit selected schools and teach in exciting workshops how to sing, write lyrics, play instruments and manage bands. Previous musical knowledge is not required.

The 16th school tour of the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg will start in April 2021. The project introduces pupils from the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region to the topic of pop music at an early age. Pupils are given the opportunity to form their own band or manage school bands.In addition to drums, electric guitar, electric bass and keyboard, instruments from world music can also be tried out: Bağlama, Oud, Kanun and Darbuka.

Realschulen, Werkrealschulen, Realschulen Plus, comprehensive schools, community schools and special education institutions, special needs schools and vocational schools from the seventh grade upwards from the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region can apply. The pupils form bands, write lyrics, develop their own songs or become band managers. There are no costs for the schools and the workshops take place in compliance with applicable Corona regulations of the individual federal states as well as accompanying hygiene measures.
The aim of the project, which was initiated together with BASF SE, is to sharpen the young people's senses for a creative approach to pop music at an early stage. Making music together also promotes the social skills of the participants. At the big final concert in early 2022 at the BASF Feierabendhaus, all participating students will experience what it feels like to breathe stage air in front of a large audience. The musical guest will be an artist from the Pop Academy.

Click here for the online application.

The project was awarded the Baden-Württemberg State Teaching Prize in 2009. In 2010, the School of Rock was named a Landmark in the "Land of Ideas". The main sponsor BASF SE received the AKS Award from the Working Group for Cultural Sponsorship for its support. Due to its integrative effect, the project was included in the German government's integration plan.

Main sponsor: BASF SE

Other partners are the cities of Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen and Mannheim.
